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Apa Világító Pavilonja

Apa Világító Pavilonja

Headswitch (Fejcserélő angol fordítás)

2012. június 19. - koverandras



Trust expires every four years,

Springvotes fall for dusting,

Expertheads lie in the dust,

Let the cleaning to the trusting!


Minion turn to Convict,

Honour switch to disgrace,

Fellowships pass into crime ties,

High tide leaves a low place.

The question is where to belong

Belongings become traces,

Investigation of a faithless nation,

Come on let’s switch the faces!


Power throws a shower of bricks creating the system’s pillars

A chain of campaign champions crawl into office like catepillars

New pots filled with Nepotism, Dear friends should hold a position,

Until there’s no opposition, at least we all agree!


New signs on the same old buildings if ever they could talk about

All the glorius stories from a revolution that’s broken out

But what exactely did we revolutionize?

Different people with the same device

control the folk to play a role of loyal citizenry

Who has the right to be a cynic, but not to be angry.       

Politics is constant contest just like Tom and Jerry,

Powerstruggles in and out for the same flag to carry  

It ’s a rich present to represent the will of a whole nation

That in large don’t give a fuck, or just lazy to take action.    


Komment: Ez egy újabb angol műfordítása egyik korábbi szövegemnek. Úgy tűnik ezeket a politikai verseket tudom leginkább lefordítani, ez biztosan annak köszönhető, hogy sok olyan zenét hallgatok, illetve anyagot olvasok angolul, amelyben politikáról van szó, ezért ebben a témában több kifejezést ismerek. A biztonság kedvéért beillesztettem a magyar nyelvű hangfelvételt is. 

This is the translation of an older poem of mine. It seems that I'm more likely to translate political lyrics, maybe because I listen to a bunch of political music and read a lot about politics. I embeded  a "slam core song" version of the poem. 


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